19.10.2 Michelle has found love much to her distant smelly cousins horror
19.10.3 Things progess quickly (dont you wish RL was like this?)
19.10.4 The pair getting married and Kitty's bump trying to ruin the shot
19.10.5 The paid move out *missed*
19.10.6 Kitty I think your baby is broken or that was uncomforable labour
19.10.7 Everyone meet Kat
19.10.8 Oh, Hey Founder Frank-y ole buddy ole pal, bored of causing trouble in the under world eh?
19.10.9 The flame is still burning
19.10.10 Kitty finds out she is expecting out
19.10.11 Kaka telling his son he has done good with who is has chosen for a wife
19.10.12 Kurt ages up
19.10.13 Kat grows up
19.10.14 Kurts LTW
19.10.15 Aww she likes him and Kitty ruining the shot (again)
19.10.16 Kitty giving birth and Kurt wishing for a non alien brother
19.10.17 Kurt gets his wish, everyone meet Kristofer
19.10.18 Everyone knows why our little Fray heir is skilling up #huntingforaliens your great grandad would be sooo proud
19.10.19 Father/Son bonding time awww
19.10.20 Kat and Kaylee grow up looking like sperated twins
19.10.21 Kats LTW
19.10.22 Grandson and Grandad bonding time with Dad watching over
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