Name: Kain
Maiden surname: Bertino
Age stage: Adult
Star sign: Virgo
Generation: 3
Sibling/s: 7
Cousin/s: 5

LTW Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Top the crime career
Career: Unemployed
Completed LTW/s:
Impossible completed LTW/s:

Spouse: Marsh
Children: 2
Name: Marsha
Maiden surname: Bruenig
Age stage: Adult
Star sign: Virgo
Generation: 3

LTW Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW:  Top the gaming career
Career: Gamer
Completed LTW/s:
Impossible completed LTW/s:

Spouse: Kain
Children: 2
Name: Dawn
Maiden name: Bruenig
Age stage: Child
Star Sign: Virgo
Siblings: 1
Name: Drak
Age Stage: Child
Star sign: Virgo
Siblings: 1
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